SAS Stories – Ellie (Soda) Patrick

Q: What does SAS mean to you?

A: To me Sisters in Action sports means coming together as ladies in action sports, helping each other, spending time together, and doing our sports together. Like a sisterhood.


Q: How has SAS impacted you?

A: SAS has impacted me by introducing me to so many amazing girls in action sports. I have made tons of great friends through SAS, which I am super thankful for. Sometimes in mmale-dominated sports you don’t feel like you have a lot of girls who are interested in the same things. SAS reminds me just how many of us there are.


Q: What is your favorite part about SAS?

A: My favorite part of Sisters in Action Sports is the people. The ladies who run the events are super sweet and helpful. And of course, all the girls there for the event are super caring and nice. I also love the raffles!


Q: What was your favorite SAS event you have attended?

A: My favorite SAS event that I have been to was Snoqualmie in 2016 for  Ladies Day.” It was such a fun event, good conditions, and great people. It was awesome how welcoming everyone was even though it was my first time. I have never been to that resort before but my group showed me runs and trick parks that are fun.

– Ellie (Soda) Patrick (SAS Sister)

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